Just joined for Celebrity, this few days will be really suffering for me, really metal challenge for me!! I still remember that is what happen previously my past experience in Navy and FF. Can't be a problem to me!!
Based my observation, FF and CF really have lot different >.<
In FF, don't have that much of machine, but in CF quite a lot, is it good that lot machine or not??? Ha.. Member and staff will have different thinking XD
Functional training area only used for PT, member can't use its equipment, if use must not away from FTA, In FF, FTA just open to member to take away the equipment and throw away every place after used!! FI need collect and put back the equipment, member not so independent lolz >.<''' tell them ya ^^
FF have opening & closing, but CF PT work less, just closing and clean the DB, BB and plate to its palce!! Good or not at FF?? FI need to do that!!
PT for FF need to pass the test and have to use the thick manual, In CF only have that thin manual?!! Hmm... But it can't determine that CF PT not good k >.<''' Anyway, good that the test to be more difficult to pass, I hope so XD Wakaka... Evil right?!! =P I'm not wrong, it means that not easy to give away the certification to trainer lolz XD Need to quality control k, depend quantity can't be the way!!
PT got office, CF just only have counter, FF got PT room!! CF only have curtain room @.@ Ha =P Got room, trainer can sleep inside, can online some more, I also do that before!! =P Haha...
CF got female workout area, but it is close, can't see anything inside, if is open area, it will nice ^^ FF totally don't have that >.< What I observe, CF totally can see that a lot guys workout at free weight area, female can't close to and get into there T.T Anyway, both club structure of workout area got different way to present the club XD So, just hope that female will not shy to workout at free weight area anymore in future, if that is a lot guys there!! Gender issue lolz
FF group exercise class only have Les Mills group exercise workout, but CF got a lot, so many choices until you really don't know want to enter which class!! >.<'''
Shower Room for CF no door, just curtain!! But I hear not all the club is like that... But it is not an issue k!! Some people said got two guys in a shower room, doing what there??? You guess?? Ha...
Another one thing, is good that have mirror in the club, member can look at their posture and form of workout, but sometime too many mirror, make me feel weird and headache, almost see star already!! Haha... May be I not adapt yet!! =P But anyway, that is what I see in CF, lot mirror, like a mirror house!!! Haha... >.<
That is really different both of the fitness center!! Anyway, it is doesn't matter!! As long that you are the member, you enjoy the workout at there, and the staff work nice and comfortable there =D ^^ So, If you feel it is not good, what you can do is talk to them or make changes on it if you can do that!!
For me, I think that and also hope that CF will give better certification to the trainer!! Then, we proud to be trainer there =D And also to have given more benefit to us ^^ I know I'm nothing now!! I know what I need to do =D Best wishes for myself and everyone around me!!
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